MF is a so-pretty 30 years TOP model with 0 face wrinkles. She agreed to share with JOJOBA VALLEY WEBSITE her beauty secrets. She asked not to be exposed in her full name, because she is obliged to advertisers. Girls and Moms, this interview-post is for you –
Firstly, I don’t touch my skin, because my hands (like yours) have a lot of bacteria.
When I say goodbye to someone I don’t kiss…Generally, my advice is don’t kiss anyone.
If Ihave a pimple I do not touch it, I take a pure alcohol on a Q-tip, and delicately clean it.
I try to keep my skin free from chemicals day-to-day.
I’ll often make myself a natural mask with honey and avocado.
I just love pure oils, especially JOJOBA OIL. I like to make a hot bath for my skin: combine JOJOBA OIL and herbs and let the pores open. Afterwards I use a towel to gently dab the skin.
I wash my face in mornings only with water, then I take a towel and dab it gently.
I see my American skin doctor once a in while, where he treats me in his unique method. The method and the name of the Doctor will stay confidential.
Once I’m on long flight I put on a mask and just sleep with it on.
As for nutrition, I like to eat chicken soup because it contains collagen. I eat a lot of avocado, a lot of fish, beef – because the skin is built from these oils. I also love pasta, admit. I also consume Vitamin E, A and all the omegas.
I drink a lot of water, I like hot water and lemon to clear the skin.
I don’t smoke neither drink alcohol and do not take drugs at all. I treat my skin like it’s my best friend.
She ended the interview with a beautiful phrase. we’ll just ‘place’ it here….
I’m really proud to say I turned 30, and I’m getting so many compliments now. I’m a woman and I took care of myself.